The Brain Gut Connection

Have you heard about the connection between your gut health and your mental health? According to Harvard Health Publishing, the brain has a direct connection to our stomach and intestines,and vice versa. Meaning that a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product ofanxiety, stress, or depression. For those of us that suffer …


How to Improve Kids’ Sleep | 10 resources to help kids sleep

How to Improve Kid’s Sleep As parents, we want to stay educated and up-to-date on what best helps our kids learn, grow, and thrive. This page is centered around the topic of sleep. Why sleep? Here are a few reasons: 1. Sleep is core to improvement and maintenance in a number of areas including attention, …

Mental Wellness Parenting Traverse City

Joe’s new parenting book

[pinit] Joe’s New Book Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier   From Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier: Control vs. Voice So how do we use this new information about guiding our kids to help them change their behavior? Ultimately, you have no …

Traverse City Counseling counselor kids family

14 Ways to Show Your Kids Love on Valentine’s Day

[pinit] Even parents need reminders. Sometimes it’s easy to just get in the routine of parenting. Although Valentine’s Day is often for lovers, we love our kids! It is a special day to share with them just how much they mean to you. Here are a few tips and ideas. Take them out for breakfast. …

a guide for tragedy shooting Sandy Hook Newtown

A Guide for Times Like These | How to help your kids, friends, and self in a time of tragedy

[pinit]                                                   [pinit]   A Guide for times like these What to do What not to do How to help your kids, friends, and self in a time of tragedy   …

Traverse City counseling counselor therapist family

A rap is worth a thousand words

Parents rap about maintaining their household by videosonlytube I just saw this video. I don’t have much insight regarding counseling or therapeutic issues to write about. More that I just love how this couple seems to work together. It is so easy to get caught up in life’s tasks, but when a couple fires on …

traverse city counseling counselor therapist

Helicopter Parents Gone Wild

A “helicopter parent” is a parent who hovers over their child, waiting to catch them before they skin their knee. “Helicopter Parents” schedule, plan, and create a world for their children. They are usually highly involved and deep down want the best for their kids. They are often high achievers or wish they had been …

sleep counseling Traverse City counselor family

Mental Wellness: More than beauty rest

Originally appeared in the Record Eagle, April 21, 2012 available at: My grandma had a sleep mask. You know the kind that blocks out light? Hers was pink. I always thought it looked stupid. Then my wife gave me one last December, except mine is brown and black. When I got it, I thought, …

15 things I learned while in the hospital

            I haven’t told everyone, but I have told a lot of people, my daughter was recently in the hospital for a week. It was something fairly severe and we’re now in recovery mode. Here are some things that I wrote down the night that her surgery was over and …

Mental Wellness: Build time to slow down

            Originally published at by Joseph R. Sanok I can’t slow down. I need this article more than anyone. I have a baby, house, job, private practice ” the list goes on and on. I bet your list is similar. There is always a reason why I can’t slow down. I …

Friends and Crisis: Dos and Don’ts

You never really appreciate a life of normality until crisis hits. Our family has been through a number of things lately: a death, a major medical issue, and close friends having their own crisis. It is amazing how it seems that high profile events bring out people’s true social skills. I learned through experience what …

Giving Good Instructions to Children

                Ask Joe Think “Dear Abby” for a new generation. Each newsletter I will select one or more questions to answer. So if you have a parenting or mental wellness question, please send it my way. I’m sure others have the same question and could benefit. [email protected] Dear Joe, …