DIVORCE- Are you looking for a divorce counselor?
Talking about divorce isn’t easy. It can be messy and heartbreaking, and it can stir up emotions of anger, resentment, guilt, sadness, amongst many others. Divorce usually eludes to the idea that there is a broken relationship that is unsalvageable. Many couples agree to therapy, hoping to prevent divorce when they start seeing signs of dysfunction, and others decide to utilize therapy during a divorce to help navigate it’s messy waters. In either circumstance, the individuals have made a conscious choice to improve their mental health in the process and seek alternative answers.
There are many reasons why couples consider divorce.
It’s no joke that marriage can be one of the hardest relationships you will ever have to maintain. There are many things in life that cause thorns in your marriage. Is it poor communication, addiction, infidelity, boredom, life transitions, differences in parenting styles, finances, excessive control? The list can keep going… but I am sure that it is easy for you to identify the biggest thorns in your marriage. This leads us to the big question; Would you rather let the thorns fester, or would you rather pull out those thorns and allow the healing to finally begin?
What does a divorce counseling session look like?
If you haven’t pursued therapy before, you may not know what to expect. In general, the couple will begin by attending an intake session together. Here, both parties will give their own background information, and have a chance to communicate their perceived, core issues. From here, the couple and the therapist will create a plan to work through these issues and navigate, one step at a time. Because each couple is unique, the duration of therapy is going to be individualized, and not necessarily a set length of time.
What can we gain from divorce counseling?
Have you considered how therapy can prevent your potential divorce? The hope is that through therapy, you and your significant other can learn new ways of handling messy emotions. The right therapist will help navigate, and create a safe environment for healthy conflict resolution. Perhaps, a third party will be beneficial for your marriage because an “outside perspective” will help create balance and direction. There is also the benefit of learning new methods of communication and rekindling friendship with each other. Ask yourself, what does your ideal marriage look like? Once you have created that vision within, the next step is getting the courage (and the right therapist) to make it happen!